Hello, Friends and Followers.I write for love, enjoyment, desire, and pleasure. But do I really just write for me? Do you just turn knobs and push buttons, or cook 24-7-365,or fix things for strangers and family, or do whatever you possibly do, just for you? Do you just write poems for love?Or go through your childrens' annoying phases for an extended Discipline-your-Children class because of you??? Honestly.
Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior, whether you like it, know it, or not.He payed us one hundred percent(100%)-- Meaning the keeping of our lives--so we should use them to pay him back. Tell me if you have ever-- in your life-- been able to walk up to Jesus Christ and say"Hello, Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, Thank you for saving my life by having a few wrong-thinking people nail you to a piece of bark." Ever?? Didn't think so.
Use this life,this wondrous life,to be a servant. Put yourself in a servant's position and serve God. If you are looking for a birthday present for Jesus, or a chance to scream to the heavens "Thank You!!!", then you have come to the end of your search. You should work for him. Not just everyday work. Don't just put in a full day's work. You ought to work for 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. EVERY year. If you think you just work to make some change, or you think that your boss works you too hard when he says you really need to work 2 or 3 extra hours every night for a week if you want to keep your job, then you are mistaken. Sadly, some people roll their eyes and quit on the spot if a job is not to their liking.Do you think Jesus just said "Okay,take me away" one morning? No!!! Jesus asked God about all this first,and begged for him to have mercy. He was literally dragged away by one of his disciples and his army,all of whom betrayed him. Judas understood (Finally!!!) after Jesus was turned over, and he punished himself after turning over the money had been paid. He killed himself.He hung himself by the neck because he betrayed Jesus. Jesus died as his work that day. And you think two extra hours of doing something is hard!!! If you think you've got it tough,think of Jesus. He was killed. And to think,he never did ANYTHING wrong. Think about how many people you hurt every day somehow. Think of all the sins you have committed today.Jesus never hurt innocent people's feelings, but shouted at those who had betrayed the lamb of God, or done something truly horrible, like making rules about having to go to church Every Sunday.Just because a few people had gotten into the habit of going every Sunday to learn about Jesus, forgotten WHY they went every week, and made it a rule that everyone was to do just that as well. Jesus loves you, regardless of whether or not you attend an extra day of school every week. Jesus' words and actions were right. He will love you just the same.
Work for God, is all I'm saying. Work hard. Thank you. Oh, and one more thing. Right now, call someone in your house, or maybe you should call everyone in your house, and pray. Pray that ya'll as a family, couple, BFF friendship, or just confusing relationship will work harder for God and will serve Him together. Amen.
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