Saturday, January 29, 2011

I've Got A Name, All My Own

Sue Ann Poppins.
Jessie Ray Falcorn.
Annie Miley Pants.
Jackson Mark Holmes.
Andy Brian Bhaer.
Drew Parker Barber.
   Everyone has a name!!!Whether it's something normal,like Mary Anne Parkers,or something different, like Johanna Drelleanna Downstraughtta, it's a name. A name that only that one person could be given for those reasons her or his Mama or Daddy picked out. A name is like a memory. If you remember your eldest daughter's birth, you think of extraordinary things, and then little things that are tagged onto the important day's events. The same with a name. If I said,"Louisa May Alcott," then you would think of Josephine(Jo) March,Elizabeth (Beth) March,Margaret (Meg) March, Amy March, Marmee March, Father March,Hannah,Theodore (Teddy/Laurie) Laurence, Mr. Laurence, John Brooke, and Friedrich Bhaer. If I said, "Laura Ingalls Wilder," you would think of Laura, Mary, Carrie,Ma,Pa, and Jack. If I said,"Carren Baxxtarr, most of you would probably be thinking,"Who the World is that???"But every name has a meaning, and a reason.

      "Callie"(Greek) means "Beautiful Voice;Most Beautiful." "Elizabeth"(Hebrew) means "My God is a Vow.""Caleb"(Hebrew) means "dog;heart;bold." "Aedan"(Gaelic) means "Little fire." "Kathryn" (Greek)means "Pure." "Dorothy"(Greek) means "Gift of God."So you know everything has a meaning.
   A real, live meaning. If you are looking for why your parents named you...well...what you're named,ask a family member over... Two,if you like... and ask them to help you look up your name.Go to 'Baby Names World' and look at the meaning of your name. So you look up what your name is,and ask your family if you live up to the name God gave you. If not, there's a goal to set for you. Live up to your first name, then go to the middle.Then look for ways to help others live up to their name. There's always a way to help with God's favorite names!!!!

      God trusts us- he wanted us to be a part of his family- and we need to live up to the badrillions of names in this huge world-- in this universe. God wants us to be called a name that he gave us. Even if it's the most random name that could have possibly popped into your parents' head, he put it there. It was probably the only name that he put in their heads. Is your name Rachelle Kelly? I bet that your parents were thinking 'Yuenii Weljaa' because your Aunt Radanne's friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's fiance's sister told them that you looked like a Yuenii and your favorite Grandma's uncle's sister's best friend's baby's name is Annjaa and your Grandpa's ex-girlfriend's mother's sister's book club friend's name is Weljon. I bet they might have named you Eliyshaa Keircch 'cause your Uncle Berby Johnnao liked Keircch and your Dad's Great- Great- Great- Grandma's Aunt's sister's cousin- in- law's fiance's best friend's name was Eli and your Mom's uncle's sister's boyfriend's grandma's cousin's sister- in- law's friend's hamster's name is Shaawflake. But God said,"Not Yuenii Weljaa, not Eliyshaa Keircch, not Yuenii Keircch, not Eliyshaa Weljaa. Rachelle Kelly." and aren't you glad your parents went with him? Deal with the teasing, deal with the bullies, deal with the exceptions for your friends. Deal with yourself and your problems. Deal because God did.

1 comment:

  1. This type of thing always makes me stop and think about the meaning of my name-- and Jesus'.

